Animated weapon sprays highlight new Fortnite Item Shop update

The Fortnite item shop has updated once again, and players can now hop in and pick up some new gear, including brand new cosmetics, gliders, and other items for players to purchase.
To celebrate the beginning of a new baseball season, it looks like Epic Games has decided to keep the baseball-themed skins, pickaxe, and glider that it released yesterday.
Along with the baseball player skins, the fan-favorite Fate cosmetic has been dropped into the game again, along with her Fated Frame pickaxe and Split Wing glider. There's also a new, animated spray — Magma — that is out for sale. The spray operates like a normal one but gives weapons and vehicles an animated effect of magma flowing. Simply equip it to your desired item and then head out with a spiffy new design adorned on your gun. Alongside this, the Pop Lock and Magic Wings have been brought back, amongst some other items.
Tis the season
Fast Ball Skin
Batter Up
Slugger Skin
Grand Slammer
Going yard
Home Run
A new fate
Dig for destiny
Fated Frame
Split the sky
Split Wing
Let it flow
Old time fun
Dig for gold
Bust a move
Pop Lock
Sleek searching
Stylish entry
Magic Wings
Deadly expertise
Munitions Exprt
Look at this!
As is the case with every day, the Fortnite item shop updates every day at pm EST, which means the clock is ticking on your ability to pick up any of these items. Which items are you most looking forward to? Sound off in the comments below.
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